This is an open letter to the man we overwhelmingly voted for in 2002 while still in a wheelchair and then again 2007 the same guy who took power without our consent. For some, especially the Muthaiga golf buddies call him Mr. President while me and some of the men of clothe we call him the moribund president.
Mr. Moribund President, I am a citizen of this great republic of Kenya, by birth and profession. I do prescribe to the laws that govern this country and more so to the laws you as a person took an oath to preserve and protect by all means. As a citizen by profession, I have mastered the art of enduring the constant struggle that most of my Kenyan colleagues do face on a daily basis and of which most of them are as a result of the misfortunes that are taking place in your government.
Many critics including my close friends given a chance will defend you by all means even if it means losing an eye or even classifying their defense as a probono work to ensure your reputation is not soiled. As one of my best friends would argue that immediately you took power, you were able to restore the sanctity and dignity of our great city under the sun known as Nairobi. His main argument is that streets and building walls are no longer public toilets, people are no longer mugged in broad day light, women hand bags are no longer snatched and the highlights of them all is that finally a common man, can enter a government premises and be served without been told to wipe some ones hand with money. He also came up with another defense that development has taken place and that high state of roads have been constructed and given a name known as super highways. Employment rate has also increased with projects such as “kazi kwa vijana” where young men and women with degrees and other certificates are taken to dig holes, trenches, sweep roads and any other manual work available. As a person I have no problem with this system of work as it might give the young guys an opportunity to use their knowledge to invent new and better ways of digging the holes or even sweeping the roads.
I do agree that all these things have taken place under your regime and finally Kenya as a country has started to shine and be recognized by the international world. Also if I may be allowed to plaster your image with the good deeds you brought to our country I may only argue on the basis of democracy. To be more precise you have restored most of the 1st generation rights, such as the freedom of expression which I am faithfully ascribing to as I criticize you. But if allowed to follow this line of thought then my work of ensuring you stay to the right path will be lost automatically.
The good book tells us in one of the teachings that Jesus gave; there was one that was called the parable of the lost sheep. In this parable he asked, “If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety nine on the hill and go to look for the one that wandered off? And if he finds it, I tell you the truth, he is happier about the one sheep than about the ninety nine that did not wonder off. The reality is you have justified your leadership on the “ninety nine sheep” yet you have forgotten to go look for the one sheep known as the economic and social rights.
In our constitution Mr. President chapter 4, article 43 states that-
(1) Every person has the right-
a) To the highest attainable standard of health, which includes the right to health care services, including reproductive health care;
b) To accessible and adequate housing, and to reasonable standards of sanitation;
c) To be free from hunger, and to have adequate food of acceptable quality;
d) To clean and safe water in adequate quantities;
e) To social security; and
f) To education……….
Mr. President if you allow me to refer to you like the way your golf buddies do then allow me to say that you have failed as completely. You have denied us this fundamental right. People who voted for you are dying every week. Some are getting burned, many are dying out of hunger yet your government has mastered the art of selective blindness and deafness saying that no Kenyan has died of hunger and that the fresh graves we saw from areas of North Eastern and other arid areas in our country are photo-shop, others are dying daily on the roads you are claiming will be a legacy of what people will remember you with, slums are mushrooming daily because people can’t afford a decent house, price of food is doubling every dawn of day, fuel prices are increasing despite having the energy regulatory commission, cheap liquor is killing our young generation as most of them are running on them to quench the thirst of poverty embracing them daily, the shilling is weaken and many other issues
Mr. President its time you go look for this sheep. Clear the bushes by firing this incompetent golf buddies who have mastered the ideology of vice as a virtue and virtue as a vice. If you choose to ignore then there will be no one to remember or write your history as most of it will be lying in the many graves of Kenyans that your government is responsible for.

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